The Talking Baobab Tree

Animal Village
The Talking Baobab Tree Honors and Awards:
“I highly recommend this picture book to children of all ages and anyone who desires
to have a glimpse of West African cultural wisdom drawn from nature: Trees and Animals.”
“A rabbit and a tree get the better of a greedy hyena in this beautiful retelling of a Senegalese fable.”
"I did not find it difficult to fall in love with this whimsical tale. It was beautiful to see
and experience the story through the vibrant and colorful artwork throughout the book.
Official OnlineBookClub.org Review (4 out of 4 stars)
Named Kirkus Reviews' Best Books of 2020
Summary: A rabbit, lost in the desert and saved by a baobab tree, outwits a stronger envious neighbor.
"Guess what! The baobab tree is saving the jewels for you! There they are, the pictures on every page (and the wisdom that comes with them)."
- Dr. Mary Catherine Bateson
Author and Cultural Anthropologist
"A lovely folktale on the importance of wisdom, truth, and keeping your word."
- Marie-Monique Steckel, President
French Institute Alliance Française, New York, NY

Awarded the Kirkus Star, one of the most
prestigious designations in the book publishing
industry signifying a book of exceptional merit.
A rabbit and a tree get the better of a greedy hyena in this beautiful retelling of a Senegalese fable.
Johari, a rabbit, isn't sure how she'll survive lost in the desert until she discovers a lush baobab tree. Startled when the tree speaks to her, Johari quickly adjusts, showing her appreciation for the wise tree. "You deserve to be known as the Tree of Life," Johari tells it. "You provide food, shelter, shade, and so much more." Rewarding Johari for her appreciation and kind spirit, the deciduous giant reveals secret treasures. But after Johari returns home, a greedy hyena demands to know those secrets. As in similar folktales, Johari's cleverness and willingness to give up material treasures give her the ultimate reward, and the hyena's greediness is punished. Like LaTeef's previous Animal Village (2018), this picture book is based on a traditional West African story she learned in her African travels. Her flowing prose seamlessly integrates new vocabulary in English (baobab) and Wolof, the language of the story's origin. The beautiful acrylic, India ink, and collage illustrations capture the setting and the tone of the tale. The design is also inventive; in one delightful two-page spread, Johari slides down a sand dune, requiring readers to turn the book sideways. In another long illustration, a collage of gems fills the inside of the baobab.
A rich, inventive rendering of a familiar folktale.
--Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
Official Review: The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef
Following is an official OnlineBookClub.org review.
The Talking Baobab Tree is a children’s book written and illustrated by Nelda LaTeef. The story introduces young readers to Johari, the rabbit, who is lost in the desert and happens to find shelter in the shade of the mighty baobab tree. The tree passes on wisdom and, later in the story, Johari must use her wits to outsmart an adversary who is driven by envious motives.
I did not find it difficult to fall in love with this whimsical tale. It was beautiful to see and experience the story through the vibrant and colorful artwork throughout the book. The quality scrapbook-like illustrations combined with the handwriting-like font added texture and made me want to exchange the PDF version that I reviewed for a physical copy to add to my bookshelf. The pictures also made it fun to laugh at sweet little Johari’s reaction to the first words she heard spoken by the tree and marvel at the secret hidden within the baobab!
The book was also full of educational value despite the simplicity of the story. In the author’s note, LaTeef shares the history of the baobab tree, and she incorporates this information throughout the tale. She further explains visiting a Wolof village in the region of Dakar, Senegal, and hearing the story from which The Talking Baobab was derived. Additional information about the Wolof people was included in the author’s note as well.
I loved the Wolof proverbs woven throughout the text and felt that there were so many thought-provoking lines. LaTeef even included some Wolof words, including oubi, which means open and jerry-jef, which means thank you. When the story concludes, readers will see how the author applied the vocabulary within the context, revealing another profound lesson.
In reflection, I did not find anything to dislike about the book. The pages were well-edited, and I saw no countable errors. Therefore, I gladly reward The Talking Baobab Tree a 4 out of 4. Johari’s adventure is a great tale to be shared with young readers. The language is simple and easy to read aloud, so independent young readers may want to give it a try. Adults may also enjoy reading the simple story with their kids to discuss the outcomes and discover some great teaching moments.
Review by Black Jewel , 24 Oct 2021
The Talking Baobab Tree written and illustrated by Nelda LaTeef is an informative story about an ancient baobab tree and a rabbit named Johari. Johari finds herself lost one day and befriends a tree that gives her shelter, food, and a gift. When she returns home, a jealous neighbor covets the gift and demands greedily to be led to the baobab tree. Using her wits, Johari outsmarts her envious neighbor and teaches him a very valuable life lesson. It comes a little too late for the neighbor, but readers could learn from it.
I found the history behind this book to be enthralling. The author explains at the very beginning of this story that she first heard about the history of the baobab tree on her visit to a Wolof village in Senegal. I think adding this information was quite crucial for this particular story. The information adds depth that might not have been present had the information not been included.
The artwork is also quite stunning. I found myself wishing for a physical copy of this book to better be able to admire the illustrations. The message this story has to tell is also a great one, as it teaches you not to covet what your neighbor has and expect to acquire it without working for it properly yourself.
I wouldn’t mind eventually adding this book to my own collection to remind myself of the history of the baobab tree. There is much to learn from oral histories passed down through the generations, and I believe more of them should be written down and passed around to as many readers as possible.
For this reason, I am rating this book 4 out of 4 stars. I do not feel that there is any particular thing that can be improved for this story to make it better. The stunning artwork and the history behind this story tie it all together quite beautifully.
As for the audience, I would recommend this book to all young children. I would even suggest this one for teens and adults interested in tales created from the histories of other countries. There was no offensive content within this book. Instead, it held many important life lessons. Almost all readers could benefit from the teachings within this particular book.
Review by Amanda Newton, 5, July 2021
This book is perfect for all ages, even for the youngest of children. The illustrations are absolutely gorgeous and the text is in large blocks on the page. The language is clear and easily understood. I honestly didn't see anything that I disliked about this book. It was exceptionally well edited and contained the perfect blend of important morals and an enjoyable story.
My favorite part of this book was the extra information that was included along with the story. There was information on the author and her travels as part of a Foreign Service Family. There was also information on the actual baobab trees of Africa. Even as an adult I was thrilled to read these parts.
Wow! This sounds like a valuable resource for parents and teachers alike! It is always heartening to find a tale that is beautifully illustrated and well edited, as well as contains important lessons.
Review by JonesLeeh, 30 Sep 2021
Johari, the rabbit, is lost in the desert while strolling away from her burrow. The sun is scorching, and the ground is hot. She then sees a baobab tree with a massive trunk and an amazing shade. Better still, it has fruits and leaves. After taking a nap under its shade, she is awakened by a voice that seems to originate from within the tree. To her surprise, the baobab talks! After some dialogue, the tree gifts Johari a treasure. When she returns to her burrow, an envious enemy sees it and wants to know from where she got it.
Indeed, The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef is a masterpiece! When I obtained a copy of this book in PDF format, I thought the writings and pictures would be plainly in black and white. Instead, we have picturesque illustrations, and the writings are done in a captivating font. I found the graphics of this book to be far much better than most volumes I have received in other formats. That is what I admired most.
The story teaches children many lessons. Obedient is one. When Johari encounters the baobab tree and is given instructions by it, she complies without failure. Also, the baobab tree shares its leaves and fruits even with the enemy. Kids will learn kindness has no measure.
I liked how Nelda shared how she derived her inspiration to compose this tale. She says a story she heard while traversing a Wolof village in Senegal inspired her. She blends some words of Wolof’s dialect in the story to bring a uniqueness of the African culture.
I found Johari sarcastic and witty when she encountered the enemy. There wasn’t anything to dislike. The book is exceptionally well edited because I did not come across a single error. Additionally, it can be used as a learner’s guide for children to improve their grammar or teach them some life values. Consequently, I rate The Talking Baobab Tree 4 out of 4 stars. I recommend it to children between the ages of 3 to 8 years.
Review by Momiji1987: 23 Jan 2021
The Talking Baobab Tree is an African folktale written for children and illustrated by Nelda LaTeef. Johari is a little rabbit who finds herself lost in the sand dunes. Exhausted, she falls asleep under the baobab tree. The tree can talk, and it also hides many treasures within its trunk. When the hyena learns about the treasure, Johari finds herself in danger. Will she be able to escape her enemy and foil his covetous plan?
The first thing that struck me about this book was the author’s illustrations. I just love them! Johari is so cute, and I loved viewing all the scenery and pretty images of the African desert. Every page has something beautiful to see. I give the illustrations alone a very high mark. As a child, I would have loved to study them.
I also liked that the author included a background summary of the baobab tree and its significance to Africa. She also described the origins of the story. The Wolof people place great value on the weak overcoming the strong, hence the rabbit being in conflict with the hyena. LaTeef also incorporated a few phrases from their tribal language. I enjoyed this bit of cultural education that was shared about the tribe along with the fable.
Children of all ages will likely enjoy this book. The story has a good moral that warns against greed. Parents and teachers will also find the book educational and entertaining. As an adult, I even learned a few things I hadn’t known before about the Wolof people and the baobab trees. People who value art, culture, and African folklore should definitely read this story.
Post by OBC Reviewer, 29 Jan 2021
It is a good thing when traditional stories come out as books for the whole world to see.
Post by Chizioboli, 29 Jan 2021
Wow...I love that this beautiful children's book has illustrations to further buttress the authors story. Good job!
Review by SarahAlligator20: 28 May 2021
The Talking Baobab Tree, written and illustrated by Nelda LaTeef, is an engaging children’s picture book. Derived from a story heard in a Wolof Village in the outskirts of Dakar, Senegal, it sits right at home on the list of memorable fables.
The tale kicks off with Johari, a female rabbit, ending up lost in the desert. After wandering around, she eventually winds up at the trunk of the largest tree she has ever seen, falling deeply asleep in its shade. Johari is awoken by its voice and is very surprised to be speaking to a tree – a baobab tree. Impressed by its size and wisdom, Johari receives a reward for her struggles, one which she brings back to her burrow. This doesn’t come without its own problems, for a neighbour casts greedy eyes on her treasure. Forced to reveal the location of the tree, Johari must outwit her neighbour to be safe from his greed.
I liked so many things about this book. It took one of my favorite children’s book trope – talking insentient objects – and ran with it all the way to the finish line. We learn some useful details about the baobab tree, also called the Tree of Life, the largest tree in Africa. I liked how it takes the popular belief that old, large creatures go hand in hand with wisdom and knowledge (looking at you, elephants), although I suppose owls and ants might have a word or two to counter this theory.
As mentioned earlier, this story is recounted in a fable-like manner. As such, there are important lessons imparted along the way. The moral is that greed leads to the ruination of self, backed by more subtle lessons, such heeding warnings and instructions, knowing everything about a situation before getting involved, and being discerning about who you trust and what information you disclose.
Review by JM Reviews, 9 Aug 2021
4 out of 4 stars
Many people often wonder whether anything good can come out of a desert. While this isn’t well known, a baobab tree, which grows in the desert, has several benefits. The Talking Baobab Tree by award-winning author and illustrator, Nelda LaTeef is a fictional children’s book that aims to not only entertain but also teach children about the importance of morality.
With only twenty-three pages, this book captures the adventure of a rabbit in the desert. It is written from the third person’s point of view, and in the simple past tense. The book also contains illustrations on each page.
The story has three main characters: the rabbit, the baobab tree, and the hyena. It begins with Johari, the rabbit, being lost and trapped in the blazing desert. Then fate smiles upon her and she sees the most enormous tree trunk she had ever seen. She eventually finds some shade and falls asleep. Then, upon waking up, she hears a deep booming voice inquiring, “Did you have a good nap?” Johari becomes very surprised and scared. She, however, later learns that it is the baobab tree. What did the tree want? Was the rabbit hurt? Read this book to find out.
I liked several things about this book. First, the book contains some information that even adults will find amazing. For instance, few people know that a baobab tree has a fruit that has up to six times as much Vitamin C content as an orange fruit. Second, it is very easy to read because of the use of simple vocabulary, is full of visually appealing illustrations, and has several lessons to learn. Some of these lessons include the importance of asking questions as a way of acquiring knowledge and the importance of trust and loyalty. The book also has several proverbs and wise sayings, which will instill wisdom in the minds of its readers.
In conclusion, this is a brilliant book. I enjoyed reading it and I can’t think of any groups of people who wouldn’t enjoy reading the book.
Review by The quiet book lover: 31 Dec 2020
The Talking Baobab Tree is a children’s book derived from a folk tale the author heard told in a Wolof village in Senegal, West Africa. Talk about a cool place to pick up a story. It has all the feel of an old, wise tale that isn’t so much plausible as it is fun, with a clever moral.
Nelda LaTeef tells the tale of a lost rabbit in the dessert who stumbles across a talking baobab tree out in the middle of nowhere. The tree helps the lost rabbit, and shares not only its resources but also a beautiful necklace from the treasure that the tree had hidden in its trunk. Along with the piece of treasure the tree gives the rabbit a warning to never return and to beware of those who have no treasure. The rabbit accepts the warning and happily goes home, wearing the necklace she was given. But when she gets home her piece of treasure draws the attention of a laughing hyena (with selfish motives) which ensues choices and consequences for both the rabbit and the hyena as the hyena tries to extract the whereabouts of the treasure from the rabbit. It’s a picture book, so the story is short and simple, but there is much more to it than my short summary. No need to think I told you the whole thing. I didn’t.
I thought that Nelda LaTeef did a really great job with The Talking Baobab Tree. The story was enjoyable to read, simple enough to read to young children, and yet the kind of story that can spark lots of fun, interactive conversation. Though reading it for the first time had me wondering what would happen next, I thought reading it a second time was just as fun.
I think children old enough to comprehend and enjoy stories like The Three Little Pigs, The Gingerbread Man, and Chicken Little would enjoy this book. Also, of course, any of those adults who can still appreciate a good children’s folk tale with fun, readable lines.
Review by Emily Schrum, 9 Oct 2021
The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef is a children’s book about a rabbit named Johari. Johari is wandering the desert when she becomes lost. Hot and tired, Johari finds a large Baobab tree. She befriends this talking tree and receives gifts from the tree. Later the Baobab tree helps Johari with an enemy who attempts to steal from them.
This work is a lovely story about friendship, dealing with someone who is full of greed and envy. It is a traditional Wolof narrative commonly spread through oral tradition and is an introduction to another culture. Along with writing the story, Nelda LaTeef also illustrated the text with stunning paintings done in acrylic, Indian ink, and collages. The wording is easy for children to read and teaches kids excellent lessons about life. Included in The Talking Baobab Tree are some Wolof proverbs, which could get kids interested in other languages.
I would recommend this book to young children who are not new to reading but still reading more minor novels. The work would also be a good title for adults who may have trouble reading. The Talking Baobab Tree is a beautiful story to use as reading practice. Adults with children will enjoy this culturally diverse story for their kids.
Review by athurst123: 10 December 2020
Tales of kindness, friendship, wisdom, and honor are commonly seen in children's books. In her book, The Talking Baobab Tree, Nelda LaTeef illustrates a friendship like no other between an honorable rabbit and a wise baobab tree. Like every story, there is a villain. In this case, a hyena tries to break a bond and reveal a secret out of selfishness. This story shows what it takes to be a true, honorable friend, even when faced with adversity.
The illustrations throughout the book were marvelous and helped capture the story being told. I enjoyed learning more about what a baobab tree is used for before even reading the book. This story is also a great way to teach children about another culture. I loved everything about this book!
The editing team for this book did a wonderful job. The book was well-written, entertaining, and a book I, as an adult, would enjoy reading again. I do not have children, but I know many parents who would love to read an educational story with a beautiful message about friendship and honor.
I am going to rate this book a 4 out of 4. The writing, the illustrations, and the editing were brilliant. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and taking the time to look at the illustrations on each page before moving on. The art style is unique and captures the culture in the story very well.
As far as recommendations go, I would highly encourage parents to read this book to their young children. Kids would love the pictures, and the story is one the whole family can love. Teachers could also consider purchasing this book for their elementary-aged students. It could be a wonderful teaching tool for that age group!
Review by glubglub200 : 10 Dec 2020
The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef tells a story in an exciting way through both pictures and words. We start the story off with Johari, a rabbit lost in the desert, but she's soon given shelter inside a savior baobab tree. Johari thinks nothing terrible will happen to her now, but then a hyena comes after her, and it's up to Johari to outwit the more robust animal with a little help from the baobab tree. The Talking Baobab Tree will teach kids that being smaller doesn’t mean you can’t win as long as you put your mind to it.
There was a lot to like about the book, especially the characters, but what I couldn't help but like the most were the illustrations. The paintings were so detailed and creative that I would have just gotten the book for the pictures. There were very colorful pages that many children will be sucked in by. I also liked how realistic the rabbit was, and she seemed to be so real that she could almost pop out of the page. There was also a dash of history at the beginning of the book as the author wrote a biography on the baobab tree.
Review by Jtjh: 24 December 2020
TheTalking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef is a unique and charming folk tale about keeping your word. The folk tale itself is a wondrous blend of whimsical fairytale and cemented Senegal history spun for adults and children alike to understand and appreciate the wisdom.
The book as a whole is positive; as it ventures to take once orally conveyed traditions, history, and treasured lessons to a new and expansive audience. Children especially will learn a great deal of character building traits; as well as, an almost forgotten past and history with ease.
Review by Ekchambe10: 20 Dec 2020
In The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef, a rabbit discovers the many life giving aspects of a baobab tree. The rabbit is lost in the desert and stumbles by the tree at the point of exhaustion. This particular tree can talk and shares a treasure with the rabbit before the rabbit heads home. However, the rabbit's neighbor, the hyena, is jealous of the treasure. Can the rabbit outwit the hyena?
This story is a great folktale highlighting the values of kindness and cleverness. The illustrations are beautiful and use a collage method that helps the illustrations to be simple yet unique. I know of only a few other children’s illustrators who have used similar styles to add depth. I really enjoyed the plot but also enjoyed the author’s note at the beginning which delved into some more information about the baobab tree.
The story moves at a good pace so you don’t get bored or distracted, and it is easy to read and interesting. It includes a theme with an overall positive message. The pictures are absolutely wonderful and the formatting and editing are really well done. I would recommend this to any family and will be purchasing to share with my own children.
Review by sleepygirl: 1 Jan 2021
The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda Lateef is a short children’s book based off of a Senegalese folk tale. In this story, a rabbit receives a gift from a magical baobab tree. This gift, however, causes the rabbit to encounter a dangerous situation and she has to outwit a villainous hyena. The plot is reminiscent of Aladdin and the Cave of Wonders.
Since this story is based on a traditional African story, it provides a look into another culture that readers may not be familiar with. Both children and adults can learn about the baobab tree and its place in African culture. I also have to commend Nelda Lateef for both writing and illustrating the book herself.
Review by Alexis-is-Reading: 30 Dec 2020
I would recommend this story for anyone whose children enjoy tales about animals, or to adults who enjoy looking at beautifully illustrated children's books.
****** Review by amahstone: 6 December 2020
The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef is an exciting fable with a great message and beautiful imagery. The story follows the rabbit Johari as she gets lost in the desert. She soon comes upon a large baobab tree and falls asleep under its shade. When she wakes up, the baobab tree startles her by talking. Having never met a talking tree before, she is stunned but quickly feels at ease. The baobab offers her fruit and teaches her about his trunk, which holds treasures left behind by travelers.
He allows her to pick one and she then makes her way back home. However, a formidable opponent awaits. Her neighbor, a hyena, notices her new treasure and wants to know where she found it. She refuses to tell the hyena, so he buries her in her burrow until she does. Will the hyena succeed in stealing the baobab tree’s treasure?
LaTeef opens with a brief lesson on the baobab tree and the Wolof people from whom she first heard the story that inspired this book. We are introduced to two Wolof words, Oubi (open) and Jerry-jef (thank you), which have special importance at the end of the story. The culture and history are very interesting, and I learned quite a bit about the baobab tree and its history in just the short blurb that she included at the beginning.
LaTeef truly has a gift for writing and illustrating. The pictures are stunning and help to create a very unique story. Simple but compelling prose makes this a great book for children starting to become independent readers or for reading aloud to younger children. I am looking forward to seeing what LaTeef writes about next.
Review by VernaVi: 20 Dec 2020
The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef is a children's story about a rabbit named Johari. When she gets lost in the desert, she makes an unexpected friend in the form of a talking baobab tree. The tree saves Johari's life by offering her some of her leaves and fruit. Johari compares the baobab tree to the Tree of Life and finds out that the baobab tree is called the Tree of Life by many.
The baobab tree gives Johari a gift by allowing her to know the passwords to go in and out of the tree trunk and see the hidden treasures left behind by others who had not come back for them. After being given a beautiful necklace, Johari leaves. It isn't long before someone notices her new necklace and wants to know where she found it. Her neighbor, the hyena, cannot be trusted. Will Johari tell the secrets of the baobab tree? To find out, you must read the book!
This book is written in a sweet, straightforward writing style that lends itself to children's ears well. I can imagine this book being read aloud to kids. The setting of the animal kingdom is a fantastic place to take children into a storytelling world.
The concepts of friendship, helpfulness, and those of danger and treachery, are essential to the lessons that this book has to offer. The way the author brought the insight of the baobab tree into the narrative is masterful and is what I liked most about this work.
The character development is exceptional in this story. I appreciated the depth of the personality that comes through in this writing. The way the baobab tree cares for the little rabbit is commendable and makes the reader like the tree right away.
The illustrations are bright, colorful, and perfectly illustrate the African desert, where this story is set. Children will love going through this work to look at the pictures. The vivid painting and drawing provide an excellent backdrop for this tale.
It is a story with lessons and teachings about what to expect from others and how to treat others. The theme of nature that runs through the book makes this a pleasant read all the way through. It will appeal to young and old alike. I can't think of anyone who would not like this book. For these reasons, I am rating this book 4 out of 4 stars.
Review by Mikai_HY: 14 December 2020
The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda Lateef is a book essentially teaching children the importance of respecting nature and the gifts it gives using the baobab tree as an example. The story also warns what happens when one becomes too greedy as shown with the hyena. In the story the baobab tree offers a lost rabbit the necessities and words of wisdom which eventually helps the rabbit deal with a hungry/greedy neighbor later in the story.
Every page of the book is filled with colorful enough illustrations to keep the reader engaged which is helpful for those who have not seen the subjects in the story such as the baobab tree, desert, or a hyena. The illustrations of the baobab’s hidden treasures are as vibrant and colorful as gems. The author’s notes, before the story begins, is helpful background information for those who are not familiar with the tree, culture, or the region. The story subtly shows readers one can stand up to someone or something much ‘bigger’ than oneself in that the meek, weak, smaller rabbit can best the bigger, stronger hyena.
The only complaint I have about this book would be the orientation of the text in some of the pages which might not be a problem for those who have a physical copy of the book, but for those who read on a screen they will have some trouble.
I would give this book a four out of four star rating. The story was easy to read, minus the orientation of some of the pages, and understand with no errors. The illustrations range from simple to detailed; the main subjects are more detailed than the background images. The story has multiple lessons embedded and also gives a small vibe of the Arabian Nights with the use of the Wolof words as the ‘magic words’ to open and close the trunk of the baobab tree.
The book is good for children or for those who are learning English as a second language, considering there are illustrations to match with the words, or anyone who enjoys picture books.
Review by Chikari: 7 December 2020
Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef was a great read. It was also illustrated by the author, which I find to be extremely impressive! This is a children's book that was published this year (2020). It includes an author's note at the beginning that explains the importance of the baobab tree to Senegal.
The story itself is about a rabbit named Johari. She is lost in the desert and is helped by a baobab tree. And it just so happens that this tree can talk! The baobab tree and Johari have a nice conversation which highlights the way the Senegal people see the baobab tree. After parting ways with the tree, Johari has some challenges to face.
This story is excellently told and does a great job bringing life to the characters. I like most how different sayings and advice are sprinkled throughout the story. These wise adages make it clear the lessons you ought to learn from reading this book. It stresses the importance of wisdom, truth, and keeping your word.
Review by megan25006: 8 December 2020
The Talking Baobab Tree is a children's book about a rabbit named Johari, a baobab tree and a hyena. This story begins with Johari having traveled too far from her home and lost in the desert. Just as fatigue, hunger and thirst start to overwhelm Johari she finds the strength to climb one more towering mountain of sand and sees the baobab tree. Exhausted she tumbles down the mountain of sand towards the tree and is startled when the tree speaks to her. This tree gives life to many species in the barren desert and Johari is no exception. The tree provides her with not only food and shade, but also kindness and a gift before sending Johari home with a warning to never seek the tree out again. When Johari returns home she is ambushed by her nosy neighbor the hyena who traps Johari in her home to extort information regarding Johari’s new necklace. Again, plagued by thirst and hunger, Johari eventually gives in and begrudgingly agrees to show the hyena where the generous baobab tree resides. But, Johari does not tell the hyena everything about the tree.
I rate The Talking Baobab Tree by Nelda LaTeef 3 out of 4 stars. I highly suggest reading this story not only for the heartwarming tale, but also for the life lessons woven into the storyline. The author did a wonderful job of integrating fairly adult concepts such as respect, greed, trust and generosity into an engaging story easily followed by children without watering down the messages at all. The author is also able to expertly expose children to a new environment and culture even including two words from the local language. I wish the author had included the country the desert is part of and the name of the local language in the story. It is present in the author’s note, but most children are unlikely to read the authors note. Had this story included the country it takes place in, the name of the local language and one or two elements of the local culture in the story itself I would have given this story 4 out of 4 stars. I did not feel the book deserved a rating as low as 2 out of 4 stars because the story is well written, engaging and feels professionally edited. The graphics along with the story also add to the reading experience in a very positive manner by helping the characters and setting come to life.
Johari did not want to return to the baobab tree because she respected the tree and was not tempted by the greed displayed by the hyena. The hyena displays other less than desirable traits like manipulation and bullying when forcing Johari to return to the baobab tree. Children are able to see the repercussions of both positive and negative character traits in this story. This will help them decide how to treat those they come in contact with their entire lives.
My favorite element of this book is how resourceful and pure hearted Johari is. My least favorite element of this book the lack of explanation of geography and language. I wish the author had expressly defined the local words the baobab tree uses when speaking to Johari. The definitions of these two words are implied by the trees actions to Johari's dialogue, but children may benefit from an explicit translation written into the story or a glossary at the end of the story.
I believe all children will enjoy this cute and engaging story. I also believe it is a story parents and grandparents will enjoy reading to their children and grandchildren. I feel middle and high school aged children may be bored by this book as it is at the reading level of younger children. This book could also be a good fit for elementary school teachers to use in the classroom to start discussions about life lessons and different cultures.
Review by rtyson: 24 December 2020
The Talking Baobab Tree, written by Nelda LaTeef, is a story of how Johari, the rabbit, with the help of her wits and her friend, the talking Baobab tree, survives the dangers posed by a hungry hyena. This clever tale demonstrates the importance of wisdom and the hazard of greed.
The book began with a page on the history of the Baobab tree. The story’s plot developed at a steady pace, which made it an easy read. The characters were vibrant, and their choices stood out as good object lessons, similar to fables. There was an overall serious tone to the story, but it had a fun twist at the end, which made it very satisfying. The artwork was good, though not as lively as some children’s books. The rabbit and hyena were small in most pictures, which made them less eye-catching.
I liked the speed of the plot and the interplay between the characters. What I liked most about this book was the charming ending that drives in the moral points. It gave me a little thrill of excitement and left me feeling good about the book. For this reason, I give this book 4 out of 4 stars.